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Stop Suffering. Get Eating Disorder Treatment That Really Works

The true challenge of living with an eating disorder lies in its secrecy.

Many people don’t know how deeply you struggle with food. Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge Eating and Compulsive Overeating often live in secret yet take an enormous toll on how you feel about yourself. Deep inside you feel the shame, repulsion and fear that one day the real world will see how out of control you feel (and in the privacy of your own home, you actually are) around food.

What would your friends and loved ones think if they saw the real you? 

How can you live the life you desire if part of you is hidden? If you keep a part tucked away to only come out when you’re not at risk of other’s judging you, criticizing you or worse, trying to fix you.

What I know is that only YOU can do that.

Only you can put an end to the years of beating yourself up with words or mean thoughts. Only you can change your relationship with food. And believe me, that has to happen. 


Because for the rest of your life you have to eat. Your body calls to you to nurture it several times a day and as long as you walk on this planet, that will NEVER end. So, do you suffer? Or do you find the bravery that’s tucked deep inside and say once and for all, that you’re going to find an eating disorder treatment that works?

Not one filled with false promises, but one that shows you an actual path to follow –because you’re not walking it alone. I’ve done it too… The Fine To Fab Team walks their walk, unlike many other organizations. When you finally work with someone who has been in your shoes, the relief feels tremendous.

The shocking thing about eating disorders is how many people they affect…

As many over 20 million women and 10 million men with serious life threatening consequences to your health. It does not discriminate to race, age or sizeEating disorders are not about the food. It is not what you are eating, but what is eating at you. Feelings around body dissatisfaction, overwhelmed with life, frustration, anxiety, guilt, suffering, shame or blame can all lead to trickery around food. In an attempt to deal with your feelings, you use unhealthy behaviors like dieting, restricting, overeating, bingeing and purging as a coping mechanism.

You don’t have to hide and live in shame.

There are answers that can actually transform your relationship with food and your body. This work we do together will transform your life. Your self-esteem will come back from the depth of hell it’s living in now and you will resurrect your life. 

That is what happens when a person goes from hating themselves to loving themselves and that is the work I do.

What’s going on inside of you is a self-loathing that cannot be filled by food or lack of it. It is a lack of love for yourself and the belief that you are NOT good enough, no matter what you do. Many people are suffering from an eating disorder and you wouldn’t even know there was a problem looking in from the outside.  It is an insidious disease and the hardest parts to tackle live inside.

Eating disorders are a “Disease”, in this case, “Dis-Ease” with yourself.

For many, the cycle begins in childhood when you learned that food is love. You cried, and you were fed. Food became a comfort. 

For others, food means control. Some feel, if you can’t control everything around you at least you can control the food, or so you think. 

And yet others see food as a loyal friend or companion. When you want love that you can’t have, you settle for food. Food can become your best friend, confidant, and enemy at the same time.

Whether it is personal, relational or social factors that contribute to your eating disorderthe end result is still the same. Eating disorders usually start with innocent behaviors that reoccur over and over again until you no longer have control over them.  When the quantity doesn’t give you the same relief, you go for more. This can continue until it becomes habitual and when you are upset you just go for the ice cream.

This can continue until it becomes habitual and hardwired. Every time you get upset, you automatically go for the ice cream. What started out as a conscious act becomes an unconscious eating disorder.

Stop Suffering. Get Eating Disorder Treatment That Really Works

The true challenge of living with an eating disorder lies in its secrecy.

Many people don’t know how deeply you struggle with food. Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge Eating and Compulsive Overeating often live in secret yet take an enormous toll on how you feel about yourself. Deep inside you feel the shame, repulsion and fear that one day the real world will see how out of control you feel (and in the privacy of your own home, you actually are) around food.

What would your friends and loved ones think if they saw the real you? 

How can you live the life you desire if part of you is hidden? If you keep a part tucked away to only come out when you’re not at risk of other’s judging you, criticizing you or worse, trying to fix you.

What I know is that only YOU can do that.

Only you can put an end to the years of beating yourself up with words or mean thoughts. Only you can change your relationship with food. And believe me, that has to happen. 


Because for the rest of your life you have to eat. Your body calls to you to nurture it several times a day and as long as you walk on this planet, that will NEVER end. So, do you suffer? Or do you find the bravery that’s tucked deep inside and say once and for all, that you’re going to find an eating disorder treatment that works?

Not one filled with false promises, but one that shows you an actual path to follow –because you’re not walking it alone. I’ve done it too… The Fine To Fab Team walks their walk, unlike many other organizations. When you finally work with someone who has been in your shoes, the relief feels tremendous.

The shocking thing about eating disorders is how many people they affect…

As many over 20 million women and 10 million men with serious life threatening consequences to your health. It does not discriminate to race, age or sizeEating disorders are not about the food. It is not what you are eating, but what is eating at you. Feelings around body dissatisfaction, overwhelmed with life, frustration, anxiety, guilt, suffering, shame or blame can all lead to trickery around food. In an attempt to deal with your feelings, you use unhealthy behaviors like dieting, restricting, overeating, bingeing and purging as a coping mechanism.

You don’t have to hide and live in shame.

There are answers that can actually transform your relationship with food and your body. This work we do together will transform your life. Your self-esteem will come back from the depth of hell it’s living in now and you will resurrect your life. 

That is what happens when a person goes from hating themselves to loving themselves and that is the work I do.

What’s going on inside of you is a self-loathing that cannot be filled by food or lack of it. It is a lack of love for yourself and the belief that you are NOT good enough, no matter what you do. Many people are suffering from an eating disorder and you wouldn’t even know there was a problem looking in from the outside.  It is an insidious disease and the hardest parts to tackle live inside.

Eating disorders are a “Disease”, in this case, “Dis-Ease” with yourself.

For many, the cycle begins in childhood when you learned that food is love. You cried, and you were fed. Food became a comfort. 

For others, food means control. Some feel, if you can’t control everything around you at least you can control the food, or so you think. 

And yet others see food as a loyal friend or companion. When you want love that you can’t have, you settle for food. Food can become your best friend, confidant, and enemy at the same time.

Whether it is personal, relational or social factors that contribute to your eating disorderthe end result is still the same. Eating disorders usually start with innocent behaviors that reoccur over and over again until you no longer have control over them.  When the quantity doesn’t give you the same relief, you go for more. This can continue until it becomes habitual and when you are upset you just go for the ice cream.

This can continue until it becomes habitual and hardwired. Every time you get upset, you automatically go for the ice cream. What started out as a conscious act becomes an unconscious eating disorder.

Eliminate Eating Disorders without years of shame, blame or therapy!

What are Some Common Signs of an Eating Disorder?

  • Obsessive thoughts around food, body image, the scale or other devices that track activity/exercise
  • Chronic negative self-talk around food and your body
  • Strong feelings of shame or guilt regarding food and eating
  • Restrictive or unusual rules around food     
  • Avoiding eating in front of others
  • Hiding food and eating in private
  • Cooking for others but won’t eat with them
  • Food disappearing in the house and not taking responsibility for it
  • Isolating from others
  • Frequent episodes of consuming large quantities of food
  • Recurring trips to the bathroom
  • Self-induced purging after meals
  • A chronic sore throat or inflammation
  • Acid reflux disorder or gastrointestinal problems
  • Brushing teeth after every meal
  • Eating to the point of discomfort on a regular basis
  • Inadequate food intake leading to extreme loss of weight
  • Excessive exercise to keep weight down
  • Regular laxative or suppository usage that is not medically required

How Our Eating Disorder Treatment Can Help You Right Now

Eliminate Eating Disorders without years of shame, blame or therapy!

What are Some Common Signs of an Eating Disorder?

  • Obsessive thoughts around food, body image, the scale or other devices that track activity/exercise
  • Chronic negative self-talk around food and your body
  • Strong feelings of shame or guilt regarding food and eating
  • Restrictive or unusual rules around food     
  • Avoiding eating in front of others
  • Hiding food and eating in private
  • Cooking for others but won’t eat with them
  • Food disappearing in the house and not taking responsibility for it
  • Isolating from others
  • Frequent episodes of consuming large quantities of food
  • Recurring trips to the bathroom
  • Self-induced purging after meals
  • A chronic sore throat or inflammation
  • Acid reflux disorder or gastrointestinal problems
  • Brushing teeth after every meal
  • Eating to the point of discomfort on a regular basis
  • Inadequate food intake leading to extreme loss of weight
  • Excessive exercise to keep weight down
  • Regular laxative or suppository usage that is not medically required

How Our Eating Disorder Treatment Can Help You Right Now

Why You Need Help For Treating An Eating Disorder

Here’s the truth. A diet isn’t going to eliminate an eating disorder. Neither will rehashing in long-term therapy all of the terrible things that transpired in your life. If you want to break the cycle of abuse on your body and treat your eating disorder, you need a trusted a guide that has walked the path before you so you can figure out where you want to go.

It starts with learning to love yourself perfectly imperfect as you are now. Not when you lose 20lbs or you have the “perfect” conditions, those don’t exist. To heal what’s inside you, you have to recognize and then understand the disruptive thoughts running inside your head. These programs are like apps or computer software telling you over and over again that you’re not enough or not worthy of love and the life you desire.

And just like a computer can get a virus, these programs are corrupt and need to be decompiled, flushed out and replaced by new ones.

For many people, eating disorders are the outward manifestation of your internal dialog/programs gone awry. Your rules and beliefs are set up in a way that you are destined to fail and you need help compiling new ones. That is the work I do with clients and it changes everything.

The First Step Is Asking For Help

You may have tried to stop on your own and found it was a treacherous journey. When you risk coming out of isolation and ask for help, you acknowledge that you can’t do it alone. You also acknowledge that if you could have conquered it on your own, you would have.

Truth be told, often it’s really smart people who have the hardest time asking for help. They think it makes them look weak or incapable. This simply isn’t true. The fastest path to getting unstuck is to get the help you need. 

Stop wasting your life because you’re afraid to ask for help. I’ve been there and I know how hard it can be to muster the courage, but that vital step will change your life for the better. Guaranteed.

Good practitioners with the Fine To Fab knowledge of human psychology and neuroscience can help you discover what’s keeping you stuck and why you sabotage your own happiness. Through this process, we will also reveal the underlying challenges that prevent you from ending your messy relationship with food and finally give you the proper tools and resources help end your eating disorder.

“The most effective way to change someone’s life is to change their programs.” Lisa Lieberman-Wang, Founder of FINE to FAB & Co-Founder of Neuro Associative Programming (NAP)

This is not theory, I have over 25 years of abstinent from compulsive overeating, bulimia, binging and purging. How did I get there? First, I spent 13 years in traditional therapy, including 5 hospitalizations and still remained in dis-ease with myself. My eating disorder became the thing I defined my life by; it met my needs for chaos, unhealthy relationships and kept my self-esteem exactly where I wanted it, in the toilet.

It wasn’t until I sought out non-traditional support that my life changed forever. As I discovered the programs that were running my thinking and did the work to decompile them, I found the pathway to living free from the eating disorder that had ruled my life. 

Today I have helped thousands of people just like you to overcome their eating disorders. My work teaches clients to live an authentic life, happy, healthy and free!

                                                                                                        And I can help you too…

The programs we teach at Fine to Fab build on the way you were raised and help you to get rid of old thinking. Then, we replace that thinking with a healthier way of living/being that is more aligned with your true self.

Our program is based on Neuro Associative Programming and it brings together cutting edge neuroscience, psychology, therapy, intuitive listening, results focused coaching with proven skills and techniques to update your internal operating system and eliminate programs that no longer serve you. This work then allows you to install new upgrades that create optimum performance and eliminate eating disorders now.

If you are ready to finally engage in an eating disorder treatment that really works, we want to help. Move past your challenges so you can live the authentic, happy life you have always dreamed of. Contact us today for a FREE Consultation or call 1-844-FINEtoFAB to speak with someone right away.

Live An Authentic Life Now, Happy, Healthy & Free!

Why You Need Help For Treating An Eating Disorder

Here’s the truth. A diet isn’t going to eliminate an eating disorder. Neither will rehashing in long-term therapy all of the terrible things that transpired in your life. If you want to break the cycle of abuse on your body and treat your eating disorder, you need a trusted a guide that has walked the path before you so you can figure out where you want to go.

It starts with learning to love yourself perfectly imperfect as you are now. Not when you lose 20lbs or you have the “perfect” conditions, those don’t exist. To heal what’s inside you, you have to recognize and then understand the disruptive thoughts running inside your head. These programs are like apps or computer software telling you over and over again that you’re not enough or not worthy of love and the life you desire.

And just like a computer can get a virus, these programs are corrupt and need to be decompiled, flushed out and replaced by new ones.

For many people, eating disorders are the outward manifestation of your internal dialog/programs gone awry. Your rules and beliefs are set up in a way that you are destined to fail and you need help compiling new ones. That is the work I do with clients and it changes everything.

The First Step Is Asking For Help

You may have tried to stop on your own and found it was a treacherous journey. When you risk coming out of isolation and ask for help, you acknowledge that you can’t do it alone. You also acknowledge that if you could have conquered it on your own, you would have.

Truth be told, often it’s really smart people who have the hardest time asking for help. They think it makes them look weak or incapable. This simply isn’t true. The fastest path to getting unstuck is to get the help you need. 

Stop wasting your life because you’re afraid to ask for help. I’ve been there and I know how hard it can be to muster the courage, but that vital step will change your life for the better. Guaranteed.

Good practitioners with the Fine To Fab knowledge of human psychology and neuroscience can help you discover what’s keeping you stuck and why you sabotage your own happiness. Through this process, we will also reveal the underlying challenges that prevent you from ending your messy relationship with food and finally give you the proper tools and resources help end your eating disorder.

“The most effective way to change someone’s life is to change their programs.” Lisa Lieberman-Wang, Founder of FINE to FAB & Co-Founder of Neuro Associative Programming (NAP)

This is not theory, I have over 25 years of abstinent from compulsive overeating, bulimia, binging and purging. How did I get there? First, I spent 13 years in traditional therapy, including 5 hospitalizations and still remained in dis-ease with myself. My eating disorder became the thing I defined my life by; it met my needs for chaos, unhealthy relationships and kept my self-esteem exactly where I wanted it, in the toilet.

It wasn’t until I sought out non-traditional support that my life changed forever. As I discovered the programs that were running my thinking and did the work to decompile them, I found the pathway to living free from the eating disorder that had ruled my life. 

Today I have helped thousands of people just like you to overcome their eating disorders. My work teaches clients to live an authentic life, happy, healthy and free!

                                                                                                        And I can help you too…

The programs we teach at Fine to Fab build on the way you were raised and help you to get rid of old thinking. Then, we replace that thinking with a healthier way of living/being that is more aligned with your true self.

Our program is based on Neuro Associative Programming and it brings together cutting edge neuroscience, psychology, therapy, intuitive listening, results focused coaching with proven skills and techniques to update your internal operating system and eliminate programs that no longer serve you. This work then allows you to install new upgrades that create optimum performance and eliminate eating disorders now.

If you are ready to finally engage in an eating disorder treatment that really works, we want to help. Move past your challenges so you can live the authentic, happy life you have always dreamed of. Contact us today for a FREE Consultation or call 1-844-FINEtoFAB to speak with someone right away.

Live An Authentic Life Now, Happy, Healthy & Free!




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