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Get Treatment for Depression

Millions of people are depressed but you don’t have to be one of them.

Treatment for depression is available now. If you are compulsively overeating, not at your ideal weight, overthinking things in the past, unhappy with present or prior relationships, you are probably somewhat depressed. It’s an epidemic in our society.

Whether your depression stems from past trauma, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, verbal abuse, addiction, feeling like you are not enough, not worthy, or any other reason it can be a thing of the past.

We live in a rich country where we have vast opportunities, but so many people are still not happy.  In fact, in the last 15 years, the number of people seeking treatment for depression in the United States has doubled to more than 25 million per year.

Depression today is as common as the cold. In the United States 6.7% of all adults documented as having at least one depressive episodes in the past year according to the National Institute of Mental Health in 2015.

Depression Feels Like It Will Never End

When you are dealing with depression it can feel like the end of the world. Nothing is ever good enough, you feel like it will never go away.

It doesn’t matter how successful you are, what you have achieved, how much money you have, if you have a successful family, the perfect relationship, lots of  friends, depression is like being in an abyss with no way out. Yet, there is good news. If your depression is keeping you from living the life you desire, there is help.

Many people seek an antidepressant as the answer to their problems. Antidepressant medications are dispensed like aspirin. The problem is the antidepressant doesn’t eliminate the problem it just masks it temporarily. A large study showed that 2 out of 3 people taking an antidepressant still experienced symptoms of depression. In addition, antidepressants may increase suicidal thoughts of some individuals.

According to recent research, 90% of these people leave their doctor’s offices with a prescription for antidepressants, but remain depressed. Meanwhile, a study in England has shown that only people with severe depression respond to antidepressants.

That’s right – people who are mildly depressed or suffer from a moderate level of depression do not get better when they take antidepressant medications!

England’s managed care system now restricts doctors from prescribing antidepressants to anyone except those with severe depression. Despite this study, the medications continue to be prescribed to people in the U.S. with mild or moderate depression – even though the medication doesn’t work. 

You don’t have to be in this situation. There are other alternatives.

Millions of people today are living free from depression and anxiety without years of shame, blame, therapy or pills. Depression is treatable and can be eradicated quickly and easily in many ways in the absence of medication and traditional therapy.

Get Treatment for Depression

Millions of people are depressed but you don’t have to be one of them.

Treatment for depression is available now. If you are compulsively overeating, not at your ideal weight, overthinking things in the past, unhappy with present or prior relationships, you 

are probably somewhat depressed. It’s an epidemic in our society.

Whether your depression stems from past trauma, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, verbal abuse, addiction, feeling like you are not enough, not worthy, or any other reason it can be a thing of the past.

We live in a rich country where we have vast opportunities, but so many people are still not happy.  In fact, in the last 15 years, the number of people seeking treatment for depression in the United States has doubled to more than 25 million per year.

Depression today is as common as the cold. In the United States 6.7% of all adults documented as having at least one depressive episodes in the past year according to the National Institute of Mental Health in 2015.

Depression Feels Like It Will Never End

When you are dealing with depression it can feel like the end of the world. Nothing is ever good enough, you feel like it will never go away.

It doesn’t matter how successful you are, what you have achieved, how much money you have, if you have a successful family, the perfect relationship, lots of  friends, depression is like being in an abyss with no way out. Yet, there is good news. If your depression is keeping you from living the life you desire, there is help.

Many people seek an antidepressant as the answer to their problems. Antidepressant medications are dispensed like aspirin. The problem is the antidepressant doesn’t eliminate the problem it just masks it temporarily. A large study showed that 2 out of 3 people taking an antidepressant still experienced symptoms of depression. In addition, antidepressants may increase suicidal thoughts of some individuals.

According to recent research, 90% of these people leave their doctor’s offices with a prescription for antidepressants, but remain depressed. Meanwhile, a study in England has shown that only people with severe depression respond to antidepressants.

That’s right – people who are mildly depressed or suffer from a moderate level of depression do not get better when they take antidepressant medications!

England’s managed care system now restricts doctors from prescribing antidepressants to anyone except those with severe depression. Despite this study, the medications continue to be prescribed to people in the U.S. with mild or moderate depression – even though the medication doesn’t work. 

You don’t have to be in this situation. There are other alternatives.

Millions of people today are living free from depression and anxiety without years of shame, blame, therapy or pills. Depression is treatable and can be eradicated quickly and easily in many ways in the absence of medication and traditional therapy.

Eliminate Depression without years of shame, blame or therapy!

What is Depression?

Depression is a serious challenge that affects how you feel. Depression is a brain disorder characterized by persistently depressed mood or loss of interest in activities, causing significant impairment in daily life and often requires treatment. Major depression is a debilitating condition in which a depressive mood can last at least two weeks and interfere with work, sleep, and social life. In the cases with children, the depressive symptoms may not be sad, but irritable feelings.

According to the Mayo Clinic, a few symptoms of depression can include:

  • Changes in appetite and weight, weight gain or weight loss
  • Feelings of sadness, tearfulness, emptiness, low self-esteem, hopelessness
  • Feelings of worthlessness or guilt, fixating on past failures or self-blame
  • Outbursts of anger, irritability, crying or frustration
  • Trouble thinking, concentrating, making decisions and remembering things
  • Anxiety, agitation, fatigue or restlessness

The Mayo Clinic also states, “The persistent feelings of sadness or loss of interest characterized by depression a byproduct of biological, environmental and hormonal factors. Some symptoms may include changes in sleep patterns, energy levels, appetite, concentration, daily behavior or self-esteem. Depression can also be associated with suicidal thoughts. Treatment for depression needs to be specific to the individual and the root cause as each person is unique.”


Alternative Depression Treatment That Work

Different Treatments for Depression

If you want to relieve your depression you have to take the time to understand what the root cause is. It’s important to know that it wasn’t always there. If it came upon you, then you are capable of letting it go. 

Most depression is caused by how you think. It is what you allow to get into your head. Stand guard at the gate of your consciousness and question what you allow to come in. Everything that is offered to you, whether it is a thought, opinion, theory, or fact, is your choice to accept or not.

You may not actually be depressed; as much as you are doing” depressed. If that is the case, you could also make the decision to stop doing depressed.

You know what I mean; I know you do! Think about how you feel when you are depressed. How is your body postured? Where do you place your eyes? How do you hold your shoulders? Is your breathing shallow or deep?

If you know the answers, you know how to “do” depressed. This means that as easily as you go into the state of depression, you can also come out of it.

You can decide to “do happy” instead.

Happiness is a decision only you can make. It isn’t a byproduct of something outside of you. So, how do you hold your body when you’re happy? Is your posture different? How do you hold your head? Your shoulders? What do you think about when you’re happy? Do you smile or frown? See – you also know how to do happy.

Medications are not always the solution. Think about how many people you know on anti-depressants who are still depressed. You may even be one of them. 

Prozac, the bestselling antidepressant taken by over 40 million people back in 2008, doesn’t work, along with similar drugs in the same class. As reported by the Guardian in the United Kingdom, patients improved just as much when they took a placebo (a sugar pill).

Eat healthy food – nutrition plays a big role in depression. There is as much serotonin in your gut as there are in your brain. If your gut is unhealthy, it affects your moods, energy, and thinking. Do your best to choose healthy food. Eliminate sugars and processed carbohydrates to drain you and cause you to crash after you eat them. Drink half your body weight in ounces of water per day so you stay hydrated.

Sleep – there are many studies linking sleep deprivation to depression, anxiety, and moodiness. When you don’t get enough sleep you get fatigued and can start feeling sad and out of sorts. Make sure you get at least 7 hours of sleep a night.

Exercise – I am not suggesting you register for a triathlon tomorrow, but take a walk three times a week. Go to a dance class, get on a bicycle, use some weights all are good ideas.

Reduce stress – Make changes in your life that will help you manage stress. Start by saying “NO” to anything that doesn’t serve you. Saying “NO” to others is saying “YES” to yourself.

Get support from others who can help. If you want to stay depressed, hang out with others that are depressed too. Misery loves misery and it is easy to find others to commiserate with you if you want to. If you don’t want to be depressed find other non-depressed people to hang out. If you decide to seek out professional help, it is important to find someone that has walked the walk and is not just talking the talk.

Be ready to change now. You may be more invested in feeling bad than you realize. Many people get love and attention in their life by having problems. After all, what will you do if you have nothing to complain about?

This is a serious question. Not one that you may have thought of before, but a real serious matter. It is called secondary gain. You start out with one problem and it gives you other benefits you may not have thought of before, like love and attention from family and friends. It is not necessarily the kind of attention you want, but it is what you begin to settle for in the end.

The truth is all you really want is love. When you didn’t the love you were looking for you settled for what ever you could get. Often that leads to feeling depressed. It is a vicious cycle that has to stop. There is no happiness in depression.


Ready to Learn More About Depression Treatment that Actually Works

Eliminate Depression without years of shame, blame or therapy!

What is Depression?

Depression is a serious challenge that affects how you feel. Depression is a brain disorder characterized by persistently depressed mood or loss of interest in activities, causing significant impairment in daily life and often requires treatment. Major depression is a debilitating condition in which a depressive mood can last at least two weeks and interfere with work, sleep, and social life. In the cases with children, the depressive symptoms may not be sad, but irritable feelings.

According to the Mayo Clinic, a few symptoms of depression can include:

  • Changes in appetite and weight, weight gain or weight loss
  • Feelings of sadness, tearfulness, emptiness, low self-esteem, hopelessness
  • Feelings of worthlessness or guilt, fixating on past failures or self-blame
  • Outbursts of anger, irritability, crying or frustration
  • Trouble thinking, concentrating, making decisions and remembering things
  • Anxiety, agitation, fatigue or restlessness

The Mayo Clinic also states, “The persistent feelings of sadness or loss of interest characterized by depression a byproduct of biological, environmental and hormonal factors. Some symptoms may include changes in sleep patterns, energy levels, appetite, concentration, daily behavior or self-esteem. Depression can also be associated with suicidal thoughts. Treatment for depression needs to be specific to the individual and the root cause as each person is unique.”


Alternative Depression Treatment That Work

Different Treatments for Depression

If you want to relieve your depression you have to take the time to understand what the root cause is. It’s important to know that it wasn’t always there. If it came upon you, then you are capable of letting it go. 

Most depression is caused by how you think. It is what you allow to get into your head. Stand guard at the gate of your consciousness and question what you allow to come in. Everything that is offered to you, whether it is a thought, opinion, theory, or fact, is your choice to accept or not.

You may not actually be depressed; as much as you are doing” depressed. If that is the case, you could also make the decision to stop doing depressed.

You know what I mean; I know you do! Think about how you feel when you are depressed. How is your body postured? Where do you place your eyes? How do you hold your shoulders? Is your breathing shallow or deep?

If you know the answers, you know how to “do” depressed. This means that as easily as you go into the state of depression, you can also come out of it.

You can decide to “do happy” instead.

Happiness is a decision only you can make. It isn’t a byproduct of something outside of you. So, how do you hold your body when you’re happy? Is your posture different? How do you hold your head? Your shoulders? What do you think about when you’re happy? Do you smile or frown? See – you also know how to do happy.

Medications are not always the solution. Think about how many people you know on anti-depressants who are still depressed. You may even be one of them. 

Prozac, the bestselling antidepressant taken by over 40 million people back in 2008, doesn’t work, along with similar drugs in the same class. As reported by the Guardian in the United Kingdom, patients improved just as much when they took a placebo (a sugar pill).

Eat healthy food – nutrition plays a big role in depression. There is as much serotonin in your gut as there are in your brain. If your gut is unhealthy, it affects your moods, energy, and thinking. Do your best to choose healthy food. Eliminate sugars and processed carbohydrates to drain you and cause you to crash after you eat them. Drink half your body weight in ounces of water per day so you stay hydrated.

Sleep – there are many studies linking sleep deprivation to depression, anxiety, and moodiness. When you don’t get enough sleep you get fatigued and can start feeling sad and out of sorts. Make sure you get at least 7 hours of sleep a night.

Exercise – I am not suggesting you register for a triathlon tomorrow, but take a walk three times a week. Go to a dance class, get on a bicycle, use some weights all are good ideas.

Reduce stress – Make changes in your life that will help you manage stress. Start by saying “NO” to anything that doesn’t serve you. Saying “NO” to others is saying “YES” to yourself.

Get support from others who can help. If you want to stay depressed, hang out with others that are depressed too. Misery loves misery and it is easy to find others to commiserate with you if you want to. If you don’t want to be depressed find other non-depressed people to hang out. If you decide to seek out professional help, it is important to find someone that has walked the walk and is not just talking the talk.

Be ready to change now. You may be more invested in feeling bad than you realize. Many people get love and attention in their life by having problems. After all, what will you do if you have nothing to complain about?

This is a serious question. Not one that you may have thought of before, but a real serious matter. It is called secondary gain. You start out with one problem and it gives you other benefits you may not have thought of before, like love and attention from family and friends. It is not necessarily the kind of attention you want, but it is what you begin to settle for in the end.

The truth is all you really want is love. When you didn’t the love you were looking for you settled for what ever you could get. Often that leads to feeling depressed. It is a vicious cycle that has to stop. There is no happiness in depression.


Ready to Learn More About Depression Treatment that Actually Works

Why you need help for your depression…

You may think you should be able to do it alone. Know that if you could, you would have already done it. We all have blind spots and intelligence has nothing to do with it. A good practitioner will help uncover what isn’t apparent to you, reveal the underlying challenges and give you the proper tools and resources to change.

Traditional therapy is not the only answer. Laying on a couch recounting your daunting childhood memories are not going to change your current situation. We cannot go back and change the past, but we can go forward and create a new present.

“The most effective way to change someone’s life is to change their programs.” Lisa Lieberman-Wang, Founder of FINE to FAB & Co-Founder of Neuro Associative Programming (NAP)

You are programmed at an early age to believe what is right and wrong, good or bad.  What you are capable of and what you aren’t, what to do or not do. At one point in your life these programs may have served you, but in time, some of the programs can become antiquated and no longer have the desired results. To fix this you need to decompile the old programs and install a new upgrade.

The human mind is very similar to a computer and these programs are your automated systems for living. They determine all the little things you do every day that impacts your quality of life.

Some people are running programs that make daily life so challenging that they need an entirely new operating system. Think of it like this, if we were using a computer running on DOS today we would not be on the internet, we need to upgrade to Windows. As our life evolves we need new programs to help us operate at our greatest potential.

Neuro Associative Programming brings together cutting edge neuroscience, psychology, therapy, intuitive listening, result-focused coaching with proven skills and techniques to update the operating system and eliminate programs that no longer serve you. This allows you to install new upgrades that create the optimum performance to create a happier life and live depression free.

If you are ready to move past your current story of a being depressed into an authentic life that is happy, healthy and free then contact us today for a FREE Consultation or call 1-844-FINEtoFAB.

Why you need help for your depression…

You may think you should be able to do it alone. Know that if you could, you would have already done it. We all have blind spots and intelligence has nothing to do with it. A good practitioner will help uncover what isn’t apparent to you, reveal the underlying challenges and give you the proper tools and resources to change.

Traditional therapy is not the only answer. Laying on a couch recounting your daunting childhood memories are not going to change your current situation. We cannot go back and change the past, but we can go forward and create a new present.

“The most effective way to change someone’s life is to change their programs.” Lisa Lieberman-Wang, Founder of FINE to FAB & Co-Founder of Neuro Associative Programming (NAP)

You are programmed at an early age to believe what is right and wrong, good or bad.  What you are capable of and what you aren’t, what to do or not do. At one point in your life these programs may have served you, but in time, some of the programs can become antiquated and no longer have the desired results. To fix this you need to decompile the old programs and install a new upgrade.

The human mind is very similar to a computer and these programs are your automated systems for living. They determine all the little things you do every day that impacts your quality of life.

Some people are running programs that make daily life so challenging that they need an entirely new operating system. Think of it like this, if we were using a computer running on DOS today we would not be on the internet, we need to upgrade to Windows. As our life evolves we need new programs to help us operate at our greatest potential.

Neuro Associative Programming brings together cutting edge neuroscience, psychology, therapy, intuitive listening, result-focused coaching with proven skills and techniques to update the operating system and eliminate programs that no longer serve you. This allows you to install new upgrades that create the optimum performance to create a happier life and live depression free.

If you are ready to move past your current story of a being depressed into an authentic life that is happy, healthy and free then contact us today for a FREE Consultation or call 1-844-FINEtoFAB.




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